Descriere Bosch Expert flat milling drill SelfCut Speed, O 22mm (length 152mm) de la Bosch
Expert flat milling drill SelfCut Speed, O 22mm
The Self Cut Speed flat milling drill 2608900320 from Bosch is suitable for drilling through holes or blind holes, for example to install cables, lines or other hardware. The Tip Technology thread tip with automatic feed pulls the drill effortlessly into the wood, so that you can drill up to 3x faster with little effort. Thanks to the special wave-shaped spade, the chips are quickly removed. The Self Cut Speed flat milling bit is suitable for softwood and hardwood, light building materials and chipboard. It has a 1/4" hexagonal shank and is suitable for cordless drills, drills, rotary and impact drills.
Type: Drill
EAN: 4059952533940
Manufacturer number: 2608900320
Made in China
Series: Expert
Application: For fast drilling of passages in beams and chipboard
Suitable for: drills, impact drills, impact wrenches, screwdrivers
Number of parts: 1 piece
Execution: with centering point
Material suitability: wood
Tool holder: hexagon 6.3mm (1/4")
Size: O | 22mm
Size: working length | 116mm
Size: total length | 152mm
Feature: Up to 3 times faster than a standard drill
More information: Bosch Tip Technology: Automatic feed through thread at the tip
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