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Descriere Bosch CIOCAN ROTATIV CU SDS PLUS GBH 4-32 DFR SET albastru de la Bosch

The GBH 4-32 DFR Professional is the ideal rotary and demolition hammer for the versatile professional. Whether chiselling, drilling holes with large and small diameters or with a core cutter, the Bosch Hammer masters all tasks. Even drilling in metal or wood is possible because the SDS-plus drill chuck can be replaced with the quick-change chuck included in the set.

The new Bosch Hammer offers the most power and the lowest vibration in its class. The powerful 900-watt motor and single impact force of five joules ensure maximum work progress, even when drilling large diameters or when performing demanding chiselling work. The GBH 4-32 DFR Professional is specially designed for drilling holes in concrete with diameters between 14 and 25 millimetres. Working with core cutters up to 90 millimetres in diameter is equally easy with the new rotary hammer. This makes the Bosch Hammer the ideal power tool for plumbers, electricians, bricklayers and carpenters working on construction sites. And tilers can quickly remove tiles from walls and floors with the GBH 4-32 DFR Professional and the self-sharpening Bosch tile chisel.

To considerably reduce the strain on the user and to optimise his efficiency, Bosch has built the effective "Vibration Control" into the hammer. This vibration damping system enables the GBH 4-32 DFR Professional to achieve a vibration value of only 8 m/s2 (triaxial measurement value for hammer drilling as per EN 60745), which is lower than on any other 4kg hammer. The success in damping vibrations is achieved in two stages: the air buffer, which is considerably larger than that of conventional hammer mechanisms, reduces the air pressures in the hammer mechanism. This counteracts the oscillations like a spring and damps the vibrations where they originate. In the second stage of the "Vibration Control", a leaf spring and two swivel joints decouple the main handle from the machine.

Power 900 watt(s)
Input Voltage 230 V
Weight without Packaging 4.7 kg

Motorul său de 900 de wați furnizează 4,2 jouli de energie de impact pentru rate deosebit de ridicate de îndepărtare a sculelor în segmentul Bosch SDS plus Conceput pentru longevitate datorită carcasei robuste a angrenajului metalic Controlul vibrațiilor pentru o funcționare fără efort în aplicații continue și consumatoare de timp CARACTERISTICI: - Bosch GBH 4 - Burghiu cu percuție 32 DFR - Mâner suplimentar - Opritor de adâncime 310 mm - Mandrina interschimbabilă SDS plus - Pânză pentru mașină - Tub de grăsime - Valisă pentru meșteșugar.Rata de impact la viteza nominala* 0 – 3.600 bpm Viteza nominala* 0 – 800 rpm Cele mai importante date Putere nominală de intrare* 900 W Energia de impact (conform EPTA 05/2016) 4,2 J Suport de scule SDS plus Dimensiunile ambalajului (lățime x lungime x înălțime)** 350 x 475 x 125 mm Greutate* 4,7 kg Raza de foraj Diametru de gaurire beton, burghie cu ciocan 6 – 32 mm Opta. apl. gama de beton, burghie cu ciocan 14 – 25 mm Diametrul de gaurire in beton cu freze de miez 25 mm Max. diametrul de gaurire in metal 13 mm Max. diametrul de gaurire in lemn 32 mm Valori totale ale vibrațiilor (Găurire cu ciocan în beton) Valoarea emisiei de vibrații ah 12 m/s² Incertitudinea K 1,5 m/s² Valori totale de vibrații (Dăltuire în beton) Valoarea emisiei de vibrații ah 9 m/s² Incertitudinea K 1,5 m/s²

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