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Krystal Clear salt water system ECO 6220 / CG-26670, water filter The Krystal Clear salt water system ECO 6220 / CG-26670 from INTEX is the perfect option for above ground pools. With this system, a salt quantity of approx. 3kg /m3 water or a filter system with a capacity of at least 2,650 l/h is required. Pure, natural salt or sea salt is added to the pool water. It is best to use special salt for salt water systems or sea salt. Due to the low salt content in the pool water (seawater has an average of 3.5%) you will hardly feel, smell or taste salt, only clear, fresh and soft water. In the course of the daily filtration, the water is pumped through the electrolytic storage cells to produce the purest chlorine (electrolysis). This starts immediately with the destruction of bacteria, viruses, algae and other organic materials. The integrated electrolysis process reduces the amount of chlorine required by up to 70%. Because salt does not evaporate, this process automatically repeats itself every day when the Krystal Clear Saltwater System is turned on. Type: external filter Color white EAN: 6941057408309 Manufacturer No.: 126670 Area of application: pools Pool size up to: 56,800 liters Required pump output: at least 2,650 l/h Required amount of salt: from 2.5 l/h to 3.5 l/h Chlorine production: 12 g/h Equipment: timer Note: Salt systems are not suitable for steel jacket pools, stainless steel pools, bronze and stainless steel built-in parts. A zinc plate is required for stainless steel ladders. Feature: Newly designed control panel with display, flow sensor, electrocatalytic oxidation to disinfect pool water
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